Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Resting In Jesus

I close my eyes as I sit quietly. With my eyes closed the bright colors of crimson red and yellow bounce across the blackness. I allow my body to relax sinking further back into the chair. My breathing becoming slow and even and my heartbeat steady. My thoughts are full of God. I continue quieting my soul and extending it heavenward. In complete peace and surrender I begin to feel the peace that only God can bring to a quiet spirit.

I reach out extending my soul further and further as I seem to go higher and higher. His presence surrounds me. My spirit begins to sing an anthem of praise. "There is no one like Him, Praise His Holy Name." I glory in His love and grace as He fills me and heals me. A sweet melody surrounds me of music and voices, and endless sea of souls, "Praise His Holy Name, Praise His Holy Name, Praise His Holy Name."

His presence is everywhere as I soak in the glory of God. I am reminded, "Where can I go from your presence." My strength is being renewed, my vision becomes clearer once again. Oh "the peace of God that passes all understanding."

Once more I will not fear what tomorrow may bring for the battle is not mine but Gods and with God I do know that all things are possible to them that believe. So I will rest in His arms of grace once again. I am assured and at peace all fear is gone. I hum softly, "Blessed assurance Jesus is mine."

Until We Meet Again...God Bless

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