Friday, December 18, 2009

You Are Loved

All my adult life I have said, "That with God all things are possible." I believed it but didn't have it embedded deep in my soul. Now, I can honestly say I do. It's like a thick warm blanket on a cold night. It cradles me. It covers the words I write to you. Life can change in an instant. There is no such thing as the impossible. I've been thinking a lot about the journey I have started. I believe I can reach it if I just stop to incorporate the things in my life that need to be there and place them in proper order. Of course that means God is number one and you are number two. Each time I step out to share with you my path gets a little brighter and my load gets a little lighter.

Nothing stays the same, everything is constantly changing. So don't despair if this time in your life is almost more then you can handle. It won't always be this way. I promise. The impossible will become the possible. Keep your eyes wide open and look for it everywhere. Seek it out like a priceless jewel. It is there my friend.

Don't let life get you down. You are special. Sometimes we all get to thinking that we have nothing to contribute but there couldn't be anything further from the truth. There is no one else like you in the world. You have your own unique voice that no one else can duplicate. Let your light shine. You have a special purpose. God gave you gifts and talents to be used in a way that no other person can. God placed Himself deep with in you. You are like a treasure chest filled with endless possiblities. Take a look inside. I think you will be pleased at what you find.

We are all born into different circumstances but we are all only limited by our attitude. Some of us may have to work a little harder to get there but remember the only thing that is stopping you from being you, is you.

Don't be afraid to step out and let the world see you. Bless us with you, so we can see one more piece of God. For you are made in His image and the delight of His heart.

Until next time remember you are loved beyond measure. God Bless.

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