Saturday, January 16, 2010

Victory In Jesus

I've been doing a lot of thinking lately. About this year, the promises it holds, the ability to move ahead and step out into that internal photograph we all have in our heart. I feel like never before that each day of this year is jam packed with possibilities and promise. Please don't let it pass you by. God is tugging at your heart. Whispering in your ear. Please listen. What you have to contribute to this world is far beyond anything you could ever hope or imagine. You just need to get in line with God. Allow him into your life and watch what amazing things develop.

The ups and downs of this life are almost more then we can bear but I promise you there is an answer. That answer is Jesus. Not religion, not a denomination, it's Jesus. A relationship with him. A real one on one walking in the mud and in the sunshine relationship. Through the good times and the bad. It's not about your parents relationship, your spouse or your friends. It's about your personal relationship with him.

A lot of people try to put him in a box and tell you that you have to be this or that before you can be accepted by Jesus. That's not true. Jesus accepts you right where you are right in the middle of your mess. You don't have to get your life all pulled together before you can ask him into it. It's not about how many times you have attended church this week, how many hours you have spent in prayer or how many good deeds you have done, although all of that is good. It's about loving Jesus and Jesus loving you.

Don't be afraid to step out of the boat. Take a chance. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. The world lies before you. Take his hand. Don't be afraid. Your life will never be the same. You will never be sorry.

I know sometimes I sound like a stuck record playing over and over but I know the reality of Jesus and that personal relationship. I have seen him work miracle after miracle in my life. Has it been hard? Sure, but I wouldn't even have a life if it was not for him. I"m not ashamed to admit that I need him every second, of every minute, of every hour, of every day. I can't do it with out him. I wouldn't want to try. He is the first thing I think of in the morning when I wake and the last thing I think of before I fall asleep at night. Everything I do is with him in my heart and mind. Yes, I screw up at times but it's not like I wake up in the morning and decide, "Today I'm going to screw up," I'm human and it happens. He knows our weakness's they are no surprise to him. He is our strength.

We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. After all he hung the stars and the moon. He spoke the world into existence. With God the impossible becomes the possible. Stop carrying the load, I know how heavy it is, give it to Jesus.

If you have already given your life to him. Hang in there. Remember there can never be a victory with out a battle.

Until we meet again. God Bless

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