Saturday, March 27, 2010

It Is Here

I believe we are living in the greatest time that man has ever seen. I am expecting to see things that will astound us. God is pouring out an anointing on his people. It is time to gather together like never before to pray like never before for our family... our friends.. our pastors... our country... the world.

God is still on the throne people...You want to change nations and shake up the world? Then I encourage you to gather together and pray. Whether it's on your lunch hour in the quietness of your cars or office, in your living rooms, or at your church alters, "Pray!"

I've been praying this morning and one thing God has chosen to show me is that people have not changed. The core of who we are is the same today as it was from the beginning. Our surroundings have changed. Technology has changed. We have cars, cell phones and computers to name a few but we as people are still the same.

We all get afraid, we get happy and sad. We get tired and sick. We get discouraged and depressed. Sometimes our faith is strong, sometimes it's weak. Sometimes we are filled with such love, sometimes we are angry and filled with bitterness. These are the same feelings since the fall of man.

I don't know about you but I am personally at a place where it is a constant battle to do and be what I know is right. It is getting harder and harder to live in this world. This is why we have to strengthen our prayer muscles. We have to grab hold of the truth like a pit bull and not let go know matter what happens.

Don't isolate yourself know matter what you may be going through. Share it with God and find at least one other person to share it with and to pray with you. I know this can sometimes be hard. Allowing someone to see us for who we really are is never easy. The enemy delights in keeping us isolated. He feels the more alone we are the quicker our light will go out, our faith will diminish and we will not complete our journey.

When I talk about alone, you may be in a crowd of people from morning until night but still be alone. You continue to be what everyone expects but on the inside you are screaming that someone see's you for who you really are and what you are really going through.

I know there are tons of untapped resources and talents in the hearts of Gods people. Don't be afraid to step out even if you think it appears to be small. Your reaching out could be the catalyst that is needed to start something so great that it could change the world and end up helping millions of people. You never know you may be standing next to someone who has your answer.

It's a new day. We have never been here before. The latter rain is falling. Trust yourself enough not to be afraid anymore, not to miss your moment, your time. This coming Resurrection Sunday may some old dreams come to light and may your heart be renewed with hope. Remember God did all of this for you and He is the same yesterday, today and forever.

"For God so loved the world He gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life."

Until We Meet Again..... God Bless

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