Friday, February 5, 2010

What About Me

Sometimes it's hard to understand why some of our prayers don't seem to get answered. Why we don't get to do the things our hearts yearn to do. Why do we have to strive so hard? Why does it seem it is always some one else who gets the breaks? I finally came to the realization that if I had gotten everything that I thought I should have I wouldn't be the person I am today. I wouldn't care as deeply, I wouldn't have worked as hard or reached as high, striving to give others what I so long for myself. I wouldn't have learned to depend on God so much. I also realized God is concerned with making me into the person I should be, not necessarily the person I had envisioned.

But if I am to be honest there have been times in my life I have asked God, "Can't I just have a suddenly?" You know, one of those moments that has catapulted you into your hearts dream. One thing I do know is when I stop trying so hard things do come together. When I relax and just let God be God that's always when the answer comes --the breakthrough happens. Sometimes the harder I try the more I screw it up. I just want it to happen so bad, as the old saying goes, I can't see the forest for the trees.

Some days it is really hard. You know the days I'm talking about, the ones when you feel like all you've gotten done is beat your head against a wall. God keeps telling me not to give up. Every time we feel like we are beating our head against the wall he is removing a few more bricks --and pretty soon, if we don't give up, that wall will come crumbling down, and we will have a clear path.

Sometimes the world throws us a lot of crap to sift through but that's ok, God just uses it to make our path way a little greener. You see, with God the grass is greener after He shines his light on it. So don't get discouraged just keep in mind the more crap the lusher the path. (:0)

Until we meet again, God Bless.

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